Ulaanbaatar joined the BEA in 2017 in order to pursue its pledge to retrofit at least 1,077 old pre-fabricated residential buildings, aiming to reduce at least 31% of building heat loss by 2030. As a BEA Deep Dive City from 2018-2020, the city has developed a retrofit financing model for capturing energy savings in the absence of metering and is seeking external funding for an additional large-scale housing retrofit program.

Ulaanbaatar has successfully completed the retrofitting of 24 residential buildings, and as part of the NAMA Facility, it was selected to receive funding to retrofit 375 buildings over the next five years. The BEA gained support from the Ulaanbaatar City Government, the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development and the Ministry of Environment to take on this ambitious project.

Focus Areas:

Commitments to the Building Efficiency Accelerator:


  • Develop an Energy Performance Contracting-based business model to capture energy savings from energy efficiency measures in pre-fabricated residential buildings with no metering

Pilot Program

  • Retrofit at least 1,077 old pre-fabricated buildings and more, with the aim to reduce 31% of building heat loss in the buildings sector by 2030

Lead Partners:

ICLEI East Asia