Nairobi worked with the Kenya Green Building Society through a BEA Leadership Grant on the development of local green building guidelines. Nairobi County has pledged to incorporate these guidelines into the county’s building approval process.

Following their BEA launch in October 2019, Nairobi conducted stakeholder workshops and trainings related to the green building guidelines (GBGs) in progress. The GBGs were completed in February 2020 and opened applications for buildings five months later.

In this initial phase, developers submitting plans for approval must have 50% compliance with the guidelines. The county’s goal is to secure 100% compliance in at least two divisions of its jurisdiction.

Looking forward, Nairobi County will develop a system for continuous review of the GBGs and introduce incentives for compliance.

The GBGs are facilitated by baseline data studies for water and energy in partnership with interested stakeholders. The studies require at least 10 participating buildings and use continuous data tracking combined with energy and water performance measurement.

Focus Areas:

Commitments to the Building Efficiency Accelerator:


  • Develop and implement green building guidelines for new building permitting

Pilot Program

  • Carry out baseline studies on water and energy usage to inform future energy improvements

Lead Partners:

Kenya Green Building Society